Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why I was late to dinner

A historical hysterical script written by Ryker Denney, based on Diana Waring's Ancient Civilizations and the Bible, unit three. 

Why I was late to dinner
Moses: Hey Honey
Wife: Hey
Moses: Sorry I am late. 
Kid 1: Daddy
Moses: Yes
Kid 2: I can say a new word
Moses: What is it?
Kid 1 & 2: Yadi. Yadi. Yadi. (Yadi goes to them....hopefully)
Wife: (Laughing) So why are you late? 
Moses: Well at work one of my sheep ran away and I went after it, and I found...
Wife: (Interrupting) A bear?
Kid 1: A pizza?
Kid 2: A glazed donut? Yummmmm.
Moses: No, a burning bush! So I went to grab the sheep so I could go but then...
Wife: (Interrupting) It ate you? 
Kid 2: You ate it? 
Kid 1: You found a pool and you swam to victory, and that is why you're wet (Breathing heavily). 
Moses: No. It talked. The bush did. 
Kid 1: That was my next guess. 
Moses: It said...
Kid 1: Pizza?
Kid 2: A glazed donut?
Wife: Take your shoes off, this is sacred ground.
Moses: No. It said "a glazed donut." Yes, it said that. The bush told me to get the slaves...
Wife: (Interrupting) to eat?
Kid 2: to sleep?
Kid 1: hmmmmm.....that's a tricky one. 
Moses: No, to get them free. So that's why I'm late to dinner. 


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